In this article,we are usual to help you action that using the Socket.IO framework :-
Almost every iOS developer have already used some type of request to advise some information on the internet accessing it with some Rest API. One way to apply these kind on request is applying an URLSession. In this like of message, the client calls the server & ever wait for a server reply, as it is displayed on the following example:

What is Socket.IO?
Socket.IO is a structure that brings about it light to implement Socket & accessible for iOS, Android, back-end & front-end. In this composition you will detect certain code in Swift (iOS) and Javascript (Web) for applying the client & NodeJS for applying the backend.
How to works with Socket.IO
Socket.IO has mainly two methods: one for emitting message and else for listening message. Both of these ways receive some parameters, an event & the data. In the coming case there is a socket emitting & event called "message" & the data is "content".

In this case, event's name is "message" & the subject of the message is the text "content". The example under listen to the event over using the on method:

In this example, when the attending method listens to "message", a closure will be executed taking the data parameter that has all the data carried in this message, in this case "content".